


Planning is one thing that I pride myself in being very good at. If you take a peek into my purse you will find multiple lists and notes - NO JOKE! I have a notepad on my night stand just in case I think of something lol! (and one in the kitchen, in my office, in the car…. you get the gist!) To be honest, I am “that person” who puts something on a list that wasn’t there…. JUST so I can cross it off! Oh my word - the satisfaction I feel :) Yes people still love me in all weirdness ;) On the flip side, there are days when it just doesn’t work out as as I “planned”. It’s taken me a while to accept the fact that that is absolutely ok. It is important to work with the ebb and flow of what is life. While conquering the world, things happen and our plans can go by the wayside. Here are some tips on how you can be successful with your goal setting and to do lists!

📚Invest in a good planner - We absolutely swear by this! You need to have a tool that will allow you to lay out all your goals and to do’s in one space. Whether it be an actual hold-in-your-hand planner that you can write things down in, or something a bit more tech savvy in the form of an app (some examples…Trello, 24me, Evernote, Remember the Milk, Todoist and Wunderlist) you need to find the option that suits you and your lifestyle. Organization is key in keeping on top of things!

📌Prioritize your to-do’s - There will always (…or almost always) be a never ending list of to do’s and continuously evolving set of goals. Assessing what is attainable is half the battle! There is no such world where you have a continuous chunk of time to strictly focus on what you have planned and complete everything. Normal every day life is tugging on your shirt to give it some attention too! I will never say that “life gets in the way”. I choose not to view it like that. It all comes down to balance and prioritizing what you can realistically accomplish.

Segment your time - Let’s face it, you have to allocate time to accomplish everything you’ve planned. Using your awesome planner that you picked up, block off segments of time for yourself so that you are able to focus on your lists and goals. Stopping and starting will most definitely be a part of the mix so don’t focus on that too much! Some tasks or projects will require more time than others and you just need account for that when scheduling. When you block off the time for your tasks, your day becomes more structured and your desire to accomplish will be quite the driving force!

The beginning of the week is a great time to set intentions, create your to do lists/tasks and revisit any goals you have set and their progress.

A new week is like a breath of fresh air… a chance to reset and tackle it head on. Just remember, if you don’t get to everything you had planned - it’s ok!! It’s not the end of the world 😉

How do you get motivated to tackle your goals & to do’s? Let us know!



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